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发表于 2021-3-9 22:00:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Apple is reportedly working on ways to make its Siri voice assistant more useful to people with atypical speech patterns, such as stuttering, The Wall Street Journal claims.
The report cites a new research paper on the subject recently published by Apple. It notes that Apple has built a database of 28,000 audio clips, taken from podcasts, that feature stuttering language. These are being used to train the Siri models which help Apple's AI assistant to understand what is being said.
Improving Siri for Users With Atypical Speech
An Apple spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that Apple is doing this to improve voice recognition for users with atypical speech patterns, although declined to provide further information.
Apple already offers a Hold to Talk feature, which allows users to control how long they want Siri to listen for. This feature, introduced in 2015, means that users who need extra time to make requests can do so without Siri cutting them off.
To use the Hold to Talk feature on an iPhone, hold down the button to activate Siri (that's the lock button on the present generation iPhones) for as long as you wish to speak.
As an alternative, users can opt to switch to interacting with Siri using written requests. To do this, they should open the Settings app > Accessibility > Siri. They can then toggle Type to Siri on and off.
Unlike features like Hold to Talk, the Wall Street Journal suggests that Apple's new technology will "automatically detect" if a person speaks with a stutter.
It's not clear when this feature will be made available in future Apple products. It could potentially be added as an update in a future version of iOS 14. Alternately, if Apple wants to make a big splash with the feature it could debut it in iOS 15, and make a point of talking it up at this year's Worldwide Developers Conference. That event---likely to take place in June---is where Apple usually shows off the innovations it will introduce with its forthcoming firmware updates.
Siri Is 10 Years Old This Year
This October will mark a decade since Apple introduced Siri with the iPhone 4s. While virtual assistants are, today, fairly ubiquitous---and some may argue that Apple has fallen behind the likes of Google and Amazon in working on them---Apple can claim credit for being the first of the tech giants to introduce them to a wide audience.
Ten years on, Apple is continuing to add new features to Siri, making its AI assistant smarter all the time. Another possible future improvement for Siri includes being able to figure out how far away a user's voice is, and respond accordingly.
As stories like this suggest, Apple is keen to carry on innovating in the field it helped kickstart.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-29 19:59:58 | 显示全部楼层


sack 解雇 v.
petition 请愿书 n.
autobiography 自传 n.
recruit 招募 v.
departure 离开;出发;违背 n.
terminate 终止 v.
irresistible 不可抗拒 adj.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-24 08:49:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 芷琪 于 2021-7-1 00:29 编辑

“女性历史月”系列节目请到了NBC新闻在白宫的首席记者,也是《今日周末》的联合主持人克里斯汀。主持了2020年最后一场总统辩论的她称那是她职业生涯中最重要的时刻。本周,克里斯汀和我们一起谈论她是如何为那一刻做准备的,以及她是如何在压力下保持冷静的。 向你的老板要求承担更多的工作 克里斯汀对她的新闻导演说,“我想成为一名白宫记者。他说:“好吧,那你为什么不报道一下市政厅正在发生的事情呢?”所以克里斯汀就这么做了。对雇主说“这是我想做的”是可以的,也是重要的。并且不管你今天布置给我什么任务,我都想好好干。这适用于新闻业,但这也适用于任何工作。当表现出一种激情时,不管和你一起工作的人是谁,都很难不给你一个机会去探索它,去更多地了解你的激情。 会紧张吗? 她分阶段回答了这个问题。当第一次到达白宫的时候,她非常紧张。她走的每一步,说的每一句话。因为是全新的,因为如果弄错了,它是如此重要和可怕。真的很害怕。但是紧张是正常的。这意味着你在挑战自己。这意味着你在做一件重要的事,意味着你在做一件你真正关心的事。所以我想说的是,紧张并不是一件坏事。紧张会让你保持警觉。在辩论克里斯汀:我知道我会很紧张,因为你不可能不紧张。如果你在辩论前的那些时刻不紧张,你就不会是一个人。所以我想,好吧,好吧,不要只想着你会怎么紧张,你要怎么应对呢?所以我有一个完整的行动计划....这是我对任何做可怕事情的人的建议。你的行动计划是什么?你打算如何应付紧张的情绪?所以我所做的准备,我推荐给任何有困难的人,特别是当涉及到演讲时,我开始冥想。这样做的价值在于,你可以通过焦虑来学习如何呼吸,因为当你感到焦虑时,你就会停止正常的呼吸。…这就是你处理重大时刻的方式。想想吧,面对吧。你将如何做好准备?它只是围绕着你自己,让你自己平静下来,让你自己集中注意力并拥有能力。告诉自己你能行。
https://www.theskimm.com/money/s ... jCrkRlGsYLq4mjWgFgb  
correspondent 通讯记者
moderate 稳健的
assignment 分配
intimidate 恐吓
particular 挑剔的
 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-24 08:52:46 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 芷琪 于 2021-7-1 00:30 编辑

https://www.theskimm.com/news/th ... 4mzyjwzq6GnOWhPIqwM   
recession 衰退            
pandemic 流行病            
context 环境               
panel 仪表板;座谈小组         
strategies 策划
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-1 00:28:03 | 显示全部楼层
President Donald Trump has fired his cyber security director for correctly saying the US election was safe from fraud.
One-term Trump made the announcement, that Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Chris Krebs had been removed from post, on Twitter.
The Republican falsely claimed Krebs made a "highly inaccurate" statement on the security of the US election, while the president continues to make fake claims himself about the election he lost being 'stolen' from him.
Krebs angered the White House over a website run by CISA dubbed 'Rumor Control,' which debunks misinformation about the election.
Chris Krebs (L) has been fired after debunking baseless election fraud claims
The cyber expert said last week he expected to be fired as a result of the president's unfounded insistence there was 'widespread fraud' during the presidential election he comfortably lost to Joe Biden.
Krebs' statement prompted an outpouring of support from security experts around the country, who praised Krebs for his bipartisan work in the past two years.
A CISA spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.
Trump is still refusing to concede that he has lost the presidential election to his Democrat rival, who beat him by more than 5 million votes and has 290 electoral college votes to the Republican's 232.
The firing comes two days after Trump tweeted Joe Biden had "won" the election before essentially taking it back.
The President has been tweeting a string of attacks in the last fortnight, lashing out at the media, his Democrat opponents and a company who made vote counting machines.
Referring to President-elect Joe Biden, he falsely wrote: "He won because the Election was Rigge."


fraud n. 欺骗,骗子
misinformation n. 误报
prompt v. 引起
bipartisan adj. 代表两党的
concede v. 承认,退让,给予,容许
fortnight n. 两星期
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-1 00:52:53 | 显示全部楼层

http://www.dailynews.lk/2021/06/ ... %99-variant-spreads

vaccinate 接种疫苗 v.
shed 去除,拜托 v.
contagious 感染性的 adj.
grocery 食品杂货店 n.
motation 突变 n.
capacity n. 能力,容量
transmission n. 传动装置,传递
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-1 01:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.dailynews.lk/2018/07/ ... rain-and-landslides


landslides n. [地址]滑坡
trigger n. 扳机,起因
triggered adj. 触发的,起动的
rubble n. 碎石
evacuate v. 疏散 撤退
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-1 14:28:26 | 显示全部楼层
https://edition.cnn.com/style/ar ... yle-trnd/index.html

  这一瓶历史可以追溯到250年前的历史悠久的威士忌,周三打破了拍卖估价,售价为 110,000 美元。拍卖行称,这瓶威士忌被认为是已知最古老的威士忌,最初的预计出价将在 20,000 美元至 40,000 美元之间。
  在拍卖之前,一位稀有烈酒专家斯金纳表示,这款威士忌“被认为是 1940 年代摩根大通酒窖中唯一幸存的三支威士忌,赠予华盛顿的权力顶层。”
  斯金纳说,这瓶酒的前主人包括金融家约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根,据报道,他是在访问佐治亚州期间购买的。1940 年代初期,杰克·摩根将这瓶酒赠与南卡罗来纳州的詹姆斯·伯恩斯进行拍卖,并将两瓶姐妹酒赠予摩根的远房表亲富兰克林·D·罗斯福和哈里·S·杜鲁门。根据新闻稿,伯恩斯将瓶子送给了一位密友兼邻居弗朗西斯·德雷克,弗朗西斯·德雷克的家人三代人一直保护着瓶子。
  虽然这可能是已知最古老的一瓶威士忌,但它远不是最贵的。2019 年,Macallan Fine and Rare 60-Year-Old 1926 以 190 万美元的价格成为有史以来拍卖的最昂贵的葡萄酒或烈酒。

conjunction n. 结合
Prior adj. 先前的,优先的
auction v. 拍卖
cellar n. 地窖
financier n. 金融家
safeguard v. 保护
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-1 15:21:27 | 显示全部楼层
https://edition.cnn.com/travel/a ... intl-hnk/index.html


scaled 有鳞的 adj.
peak n.山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌
feat n.功绩,壮举;技艺表演
glaucoma n.[眼科] 青光眼;绿内障
reopen v.重新开放;重新开始
component n.组成部分;成分;组件,元件
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