笑1901日语 发表于 2021-3-7 16:54:24


原文:It’s almost that time of year again – February, one of the coldest and seemingly longest months if you live in a wintry place. However, in Hokkaido, Japan, February is the time of year for cheer and festivities at the annual Sapporo Snow Festival – the biggest winter festival in all of Japan. This year they will be celebrating the 70th Sapporo Snow Festival from February 4-11.
The festival began in 1950 as a community event to display several snow sculptures made by local high school students, and it grew every year after that. In 1974, an International Snow Sculpture Contest was added to help gain international recognition. Since then the festival has burgeoned into a huge commercial and internationally popular event, welcoming over 2 million national and international tourists.
There are three different sites for festivalgoers to visit. The main attractions are located in Odori Park, in downtown Sapporo. Here there are over 100 snow sculptures for visitors to feast their eyes upon, with some measuring up to 50 feet high and 80 feet wide. Popular muses for the sculptures include anime characters, movie stars, and famous buildings such as the Taj Mahal. The sculptures are lit up from sundown until 10 p.m., and while appreciating the works of art, visitors can enjoy tasty treats from food stalls, or go for a spin on the ice rink in front of the Sapporo TV Tower.
This location is also home to concerts and events, as well as the International Snow Sculpture Contest, with about 12 teams competing for the coveted first place. For an excellent view of it all, take a trip up to the top observatory deck of the Sapporo TV Tower, which overlooks Odori Park.
For a more adult vibe with some beautiful night scenes, head over to the Susukino Site in Sapporo’s entertainment district. Here there are over 50 stunning and intricate ice sculptures on display. These are also lit up at night until 11 p.m. Susukino can easily be reached by subway, at one stop south of Odori Park.
Finally, the Tsu Dome Site provides daytime fun and entertainment for families with ice slides, snow rafting, a snow maze, and more. Its hours are 9 to 5 every day, and although it is located just outside of the city, it is easy to get to. Shuttle buses leave from Odori Park and Sapporo Station every 15-30 minutes, and it is located at just a 15-minute walk from the Sakaemachi subway station.
If you are visiting Sapporo, home to the world-famous Sapporo Beer, make sure to stop by the Sapporo Biergarten for some local brews. Other famous local foods you should be sure to try are miso ramen (ramen with an earthy, deep miso broth) and dairy products (Hokkaido is well known for its dairy cattle). To warm up on a cold winter night, order some hot plum wine (umeshu) – a favorite wintertime drink in Japan, which has a lightly sweet taste.
原文大意:本文介绍了日本北海道2月一年一度的札幌冰雪节。首先介绍了冰雪节三个具体参观的景点:Odori Park、Susukino site和Tsu Dome Site。在文章的最后,作者推荐大家去品尝札幌的啤酒和当地特色美食。

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-3-14 20:16:45

Key words:
threshold: n. a level which must be surpassed for something to happen
turnout: n. the number of people taking part in an event
eligible: adj. having the right to do something
ballot: n. the piece of paper used to record someone’s vote
pandemic: n. an outbreak of a disease all over the world
owing to: because of; due to
to call: v. to predict the result of
to concede: v. to admit defeat
battleground: n. a place or situation of conflict
to allege: v. to claim that someone has done something wrong
fraud: n. wrongful deception intended to result in personal gain
little: pron. hardly anything
to come of: v. to result from something
to emerge victorious: v. to win
to assume: v. to begin to have (a role)
Main idea:

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-3-21 20:54:21

Key Words
to symbolize: v. to represent, to be a symbol of
diligence: n. careful and persistent work or effort
empire: n. a kingdom, a group of states or countries ruled by one person
decade: n. ten years
beehive, hive: n. a box in which bees are kept
to estimate: v. to figure out more or less the amount, size, or extent of
to decrease: v. to become smaller or less
to make a comeback: v. to become popular or famous again
Parisian: adj. from or relating to Paris
landmark: n. a famous building or other object that is easily recognized
extraordinary: adj. very unusual or amazing
quantity: n. amount
to be exposed to: v. to be put in contact with
pesticide: n. a chemical used to destroy insects
forbidden: adj. not allowed
habitat: n. the natural home or environment of an animal or plant
to analyze: v. to examine or study in detail
pollutant: n. something which pollutes
diversity: n. having a variety
distinct: adj. clearly different
according to some: some people say
red fruit: n. fruit such as cherries, raspberries, and strawberries
lychee: n. a round, white, juicy fruit native to China
citrus: n. a category of fruit including lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits
menthol: n. a cooling, minty taste
minor: adj. smaller, lesser
an excess of: too much of
thus: adv. therefore
crowd: v. to cause to be too close with not enough space
issue: n. problem
monitor: v. to watch, observe, and check on
transmit: v. transfer from one device or place to another
to buzz: v. a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by an insect
trending: adj. suddenly popular
to raise awareness: v. to spread information about, to help people learn about
to be on the lookout for: to keep searching for
Main idea:蜜蜂和法国在一起有着悠久的历史。本文首先描写了巴黎蜂蜜生长环境的特殊性(与乡村培育的密封为不同之处在于,巴黎市内不允许使用农药,所以蜜蜂生长的好,且巴黎市内花草植物种类繁多有利于蜜蜂采蜜),因此巴黎的蜂蜜质量高,很美味,受到大家的喜爱。接着又讲述了养蜂人在养蜂过程中必须注意的问题。世界上很多大城市也出现养蜂的现象。

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-4-24 22:39:00

Main idea:博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会开幕式4月20日举行,国家主席习近平以视频方式发表主旨演讲。习近平指出,亚洲和世界各国要回应时代呼唤,携手共克疫情,加强全球治理,朝着构建人类命运共同体方向不断迈进。今年是博鳌亚洲论坛成立20年,本届年会以“世界大变局:共襄全球治理盛举,合奏‘一带一路’强音”为主题。国际上的事应该由大家共同商量着办,世界前途命运应该由各国共同掌握,不能把一个或几个国家制定的规则强加于人,也不能由个别国家的单边主义给整个世界“带节奏”。世界要公道,不要霸道。大国要有大国的样子,要展现更多责任担当。
Key words:
solidarity        n.团结;休戚相关
forum       n.论坛,讨论会
consultation          n.咨询;商量;商议;会议
decided           adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-6-8 21:33:09

本帖最后由 笑1901日语 于 2021-6-8 21:35 编辑

Main Idea:
日本有许多空置的房屋,大多是在亲人去世或居住者搬走后就空置了。振兴日本农村的努力是日本首相菅义伟的社会经济学为国家制定的计划。菅义伟把农村振兴作为他九月上任时的政策基石承诺 ,在 11 月的一次讲话中,他提出要通过促进旅游业和鼓励农业改革来刺激农村经济。于是日本目前采取了许多措施来解决空置房屋。例如低价出售、免费移交,还有一些居民找到了创造性的方法来重新利用它们,把它们变成工作坊和小餐馆。
Key words:
enticing (诱人的)
properties (财产)

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-6-8 21:46:15

本帖最后由 笑1901日语 于 2021-6-8 21:48 编辑

Main Idea:
在饱和的在智能手机的世界里,充电速度已经成为厂商们脱颖而出的另一种方式。小米公司推出了快速充电系统,称其在 3 分 23 秒内将手机从 0 充电到 50 %,在 200W 的有线连接下,仅需 8 分钟即可充满电。这也加速了小米与其他手机厂商品牌在充电速度方面的竞争。
Key words:
jostling (竞争)
dual-coil (双线圈)

笑1901日语 发表于 2021-6-8 21:49:33

Main Idea:
日本正在准备一个不同寻常的机器人探索月球——这显然是受该国科技行业的影响。这台8.8盎司重的机器人将以一个紧凑的球体的形式抵达,它将帮助私营机器人公司 Is pace 将机器人搭载在月球着陆器上。一旦浮上水面,它就会弹出一个“满”配置,能捕捉到月球表面的图像JAXA 表示,这也将使机器人对未来的任务有用。
Key words:
crewed rover(载人探测器)
shapeshifting (变形)
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