Cinderella 发表于 2014-10-29 08:52:32

Prometheus and Pandora

Prometheus was one of the Titans, a gigantic race, who inhabited the earth before the creation of man. To him and his brother Epimetheus was committed the office of making man, and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus undertook to do this, and Prometheus was to overlook his work, when it was done. Epimetheus accordingly proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, sagacity; wings to one, claws to another, a shelly covering to a third, etc. But when man came to be provided for, who was to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his resources that he had nothing left to bestow upon him. In his perplexity he resorted to his brother Prometheus, who, with the aid of Minerva, went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce.

The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gifts. Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,- such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind,- and scattered themselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! but, alas! the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.

Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing, She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, hope only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how could hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement? (500 words)

VickyQ 发表于 2014-10-30 01:45:17

The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gifts. Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,- such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind,- and scattered themselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! but, alas! the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.


Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing, She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, hope only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how could hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?


VickyQ 发表于 2014-10-30 01:49:01


Julia 发表于 2014-10-30 13:29:00

本帖最后由 Cinderella 于 2014-11-2 12:30 编辑

Prometheus was one of the Titans, a gigantic race, who inhabited the earth before the creation of man. To him and his brother Epimetheus was committed the office of making man, and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus undertook to do this, and Prometheus was to overlook his work, when it was done. Epimetheus accordingly proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, sagacity; wings to one, claws to another, a shelly covering to a third, etc. But when man came to be provided for, who was to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his resources that he had nothing left to bestow upon him. In his perplexity he resorted to his brother Prometheus, who, with the aid of Minerva, went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce.


普罗米修斯是十二个泰坦巨神之一,在创造人类之前他住在地球上。【此句翻译错误,原句的who从句是修饰the Titans, a gigantic race的。】
于是,厄庇墨透斯开始给不同的动物赐予勇气、力量、敏捷、聪慧等相应的特性。有些动物被赐予了轻盈的翅膀、有些锋利的爪子、有些则是坚硬的贝壳【此处不是“贝壳”,原文是a shelly covering,意思是甲壳】。
但是,当他准备给优于其他动物【并非是“优于其他动物”,原文是to be superior to all other animals,而to be 是指尚未发生但即将发生的状况,此处意指造物主造人时的原意】的人类赐予礼物时,他意识到自己已经用尽了资源,便没有任何东西可以赐予他。【所以此句最好译为:当轮到人类时,他本应使人类享有万兽不及之赐予,却发现自己囊中空空,已无物可赐。】
困惑中,【此处in perplexity译为困惑中,虽然字面意义是对了,但是在这个语境中,好像搭配不当呢,建议译为“为难之下,无奈之余】
从而相对独立于气候【此处原文是 so as to be comparatively independent of climate,意思是“相对不受气候的影响”,“独立于气候”好像有点难以理解呢】;

书书书玮 发表于 2014-10-30 22:02:09

本帖最后由 Cinderella 于 2014-11-2 13:05 编辑

Prometheus was one of the Titans, a gigantic race, who inhabited the earth before the creation of man. To him and his brother Epimetheus was committed the office of making man, and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus undertook to do this, and Prometheus was to overlook his work, when it was done. Epimetheus accordingly proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, sagacity; wings to one, claws to another, a shelly covering to a third, etc. But when man came to be provided for, who was to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his resources that he had nothing left to bestow upon him. In his perplexity he resorted to his brother Prometheus, who, with the aid of Minerva, went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce.


他们有了征服自然的武器【此处them是指other animals,译为“征服自然”有点不忠实】,

kira 发表于 2014-10-30 22:32:53

本帖最后由 Cinderella 于 2014-11-2 13:31 编辑

Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing, She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, hope only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how could hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?





Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; 还有一个版本讲的是:朱庇特真心实意地派遣潘多拉到人间来造福【选择这个译文,是因为第一个版本的故事里,潘多拉是被送给人类以造成破坏的,但是假装成祝福人类的样子,所以“真心实意”留在这里很重要】
that she was furnished with a box containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing. 【并且给了潘多拉一个盒子,里面装满了各种嫁妆,承载着每位神祗的祝福。】
She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, hope only excepted. 但她不慎打开了盒盖,所有的恩赐都跑掉了,只剩下了希望。
This story seems more probable than the former; 【这个版本似乎更有可信度,】
for how could hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?

香克斯vsShanks 发表于 2014-10-31 00:03:54

The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gifts. Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,- such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind,- and scattered themselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! but, alas! the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.



香克斯vsShanks 发表于 2014-11-3 22:17:58

香克斯vsShanks 发表于 2014-10-31 00:03
The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfe ...

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