Cinderella 发表于 2012-3-25 15:23:17


From Chapter 30

Once the project was launched, Jobs immersed himself in it daily. His main demand was “Simplify!” He would go over each screen of the user interface and apply a rigid test: If he wanted a song or a function, he should be able to get there in three clicks. And the click should be intuitive. If he couldn’t figure out how to navigate to something, or if it took more than three clicks, he would be brutal. “There would be times when we’d rack our brains on a user interface problem, and think we’d considered every option, and he would go, ‘Did you think of this?’” said Fadell. “And then we’d all go, ‘Holy shit.’ He’d redefine the problem or approach, and our little problem would go away.”

One key insight Jobs had was that as many functions as possible should be performed using iTunes on your computer rather than on the iPod. As he later recalled:

        In order to make the iPod really easy to use—and this took a lot of arguing on my part—we needed to limit what the device itself would do. Instead we put that functionality in iTunes on the computer. For example, we made it so you couldn’t make playlists using the device. You made playlists on iTunes, and then you synced with the device. That was controversial. But what made the Rio and other devices so brain-dead was that they were complicated. They had to do things like make playlists, because they weren’t integrated with the jukebox software on your computer. So by owning the iTunes software and the iPod device, that allowed us to make the computer and the device work together, and it allowed us to put the complexity in the right place.
The most Zen of all simplicities was Jobs’s decree, which astonished his colleagues, that the iPod would not have an on-off switch. It became true of most Apple devices. There was no need for one. Apple’s devices would go dormant if they were not being used, and they would wake up when you touched any key. But there was no need for a switch that would go “Click—you’re off. Good-bye.”

杨琼珊 发表于 2012-4-4 15:37:43


Arrow 发表于 2012-4-16 16:45:50

本帖最后由 Arrow 于 2012-5-10 10:04 编辑

这个项目刚启动,乔布斯就每天都沉浸其中。他最主要的要求就是“简单”。他仔细检查用户界面的每一个页面,并进行严格的测试:如果用户想听歌或者使用某个功能的时候,需要进行三次直观的按键动作。如果他不清楚如何驾驭它,或按键超过三次,就会很烦躁。达德尔说:有很多次,关于用户界面的问题我们绞尽脑汁进行思考和讨论,自认为已经考虑到了每一种可能性,但是乔布斯还是会说‘你们有没有想过这个?’然后我们心想:‘天哪,太神了!’他会重新定义这些问题或者重新找寻方法,这样我们的小麻烦就迎刃而解了。”乔布斯最关键的想法就是应该尽可能多的拥有iTunes软件的功能的是计算机而不是 ipod。他后来回忆说:为了让ipod能真正实现操作简单,我们需要限制它本身的功能,这一决定让我内心挣扎了很久。取而代之的是我们把那些功能放在iTunes软件上,并运用在计算机上。例如,你不能用ipod制作播放列表,但你可以先在iTunes上制作,然后在同步到ipod上。这个想法当时有些争议。但是Rio和其它播放器失败的原因是他们太复杂了。他们不得不做一些像制作播放列表这样的操作,因为他们不能和计算机上播放软件结合在一起。
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