lin 发表于 2011-12-7 11:01:21

the GRE argument task

in this argument, the writer of the letter notes that there are two noticeable phenomena taking place in the certral plaza: one is the downturn in the number of the shoppers and the other is that the increasing popularityof skateboarding. Base on the central plaza store owners’opinion, the writer attributes the descreasing shoppers to the popularity of skateboarding. In addition, the writer states that the dramatic rise in the amount of litter and vandalism throughtout the plaza is largely due to the skateboarding. This argument defies the simple logic, lacks the formal and firm survey, and thus suffers from several critical fallacies.
First and foremost, the argument is based on the store owners’ opinion. It is impossible to arrive at any conclusion without profuse and convincing evidences accumulated through plenty of invistigations. Lacking the direct, objective and effective survey, the relationship between the two phenomena is weakly concluded. There can be many things we can think of when asked why the number of shoppers in one area is decreasing, such as the deteriorating survice, the poor quality and the higher price as well as the fierce competition. As central plaza is one of the so-alike shopping center, it can also suffer from these problems. Thus it can notbe simply one reason- the popularity of the skateboarding, that causes the drop in number of the shoppers.
Secondly, like the former reasons, the increasing litter and vandalism cannot be taken for granted as the result of the skateboarding. A lot of reasons can make them happen. Assuming that the faculty of the central plaza is made to be valid for seven years and now central plaza is welcoming its seventh birthday, then the damage of the public service in central plaza is reasonable. As for the litter problem, everyone can create litter including the shoppers. As where there is people, there is litter, we can not blame skateboard users for litter while we spare others.
Furthermore, the writer recommends prohibiting skateboarding in central plaza, and believes that it will bring central plaza back to its previous high levels. As we know, prohibitions are no such things that can be easily made unless an agreement is achieved by those people involved. Basides, the prohibiton of skateboarding may infringe the customers’ rights that are protected by laws. What’s more, the prohibition is not necessarily to bring central plaza back to its previous high levels. The effects of the prohibition is being exaggerated. Also, there is not evidence that the previous situation of the central plaze is better than now.
Consequently, the writer fails to establish any direct relationship between the increasing skateboarders and the decreasing customers as well as the increasing litter and vandalism. No evidences or invistagations are presented by the writer to suppor his or her statement. For a stronger argument, the writer needs to conduct enough surveys to bring forth evidence to support hid idea and thus to make reasonable recommendations according to reality.
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