pengwenato 发表于 2011-10-10 21:29:30


Changsha Battles Flood Devastation as Death Toll Rises
English. news. cn2011-09-30 21:47:47
Changsha, September 30 (Xiaoxiang Morning Post) --- About 1 million Changsha citizens have been flooded into Xiangjiang River, which runs through the capital city, Changsha.
It’s been raining cats and dogs these days without any control, with a result that many buildings were washed away, the roads were covered by deep water and the trees were floated on the water. How terrible a scene it is!
There were 0.5 million citizens died and 0.3 million greatly injured who have been sent to different hospitals around Changsha and are still in danger. The flood caused so severe situation that those left slightly injured are desperate and anxious for their relatives. They feel completely at a loss for never confronted with this kind of disaster before.
Ten days is past, but there’s no sign of relief. On the other hand, it’s likely for the heavy rain to last for another ten days.
Yesterday morning, president Hu arrived in Changsha to direct relief work. “There will be new homes and new schools! We will spare no efforts to rescue! Where there is hope, there is life!” said president Hu when he was inspecting the situation and consoling flood victims.
Tents were sent for temporarily living, where victims could get immediate treatment. What’s more, the president made sure there were enough medical supplies and everyone was under good care with enough food and clean water and well protected from the bitter cold weather.
The terrible flood which has lasted for ten days has caused 0.5 million people died, 0.3 million greatly injured and 0.2 million missing.
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