粟茜 发表于 2011-10-9 22:38:58


Hurricane hits Shanghai
Shanghai is meeting a terrible hurricane on Dec. 26th 2012.
The hurricane hit shanghai directly at 3p.m.
At the beginning of the hurricane, the sky suddenly turned to dark and the wind force increased sharply.
Now it’s 6p.m. The hurricane has lasted for 3 hours. And the wind force is still increasing.
The sky is pitch dark now and no one is on the streets. Because of the hurricane, all the electric power has been cut off in case of leakage of electricity.
The official has warned people not to go outside when the hurricane hit Shanghai 2 days ago.
The wind blows things into the sky and heavily hit the windows, many trees are broken off. People had better keep away from windows, or it’s easily to be hurt.
The weather experts predicted this hurricane is moving to north, so the wind force is decreasing and 8 hours later people can go outside. They also said this hurricane is the strongest one from ancient to modern times.
The government said they had arranged resume work after the hurricane. The traffic will return to normal as soon as possible, street cleaner will work hard to clean the streets once the hurricane is gone, and the hospital will be ready for the injured 24 hours.
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